Education with Citizenship – Public Notice
The Education with Citizenship Public Notice, released by Instituto Chamex, in partnership with IDIS – Instituto para o Desenvolvimento do Investimento Social (Institute for the Development of Social Investment), supports organizations throughout the country with initiatives focused on an education with citizenship, aiming to stimulate active citizenship, besides promoting a more initiative-taking and responsible role of each society member.
For this reason, we seek initiatives that are aligned with our objective of increasingly stimulate the formation of active citizens.
In 2021, the selection process contemplated 5 civil organizations, which received an investment of up to R$30,000 to implement education projects that can:
• Awaken people to be more conscious, critical, creative and enable them to deal with the issues of our time;
• Identify solutions for problems found in the communities;
• Form and train leaders to exercise active citizenship, especially when collaborating with schools, universities, communities, and the public sector;
• To articulate and mobilize people to promote transformative social actions.
Instituto Chamex’s publication of the Education with Citizenship Notice comprises the following stages:
STAGE 1: registration of organizations in the selection process by forwarding documents;
STAGE 2: sending the projects of the organizations approved in the first stage;
STAGE 3: screening;
STAGE 4: selection of projects with the approval of the judging panel for the finalists;
STAGE 5: effective transfer of funds, monitoring of project execution and conclusion report with presentation of results.
Em 2023, as instituições selecionadas foram:
• Associação Sementes do Vale (Ninheiras, MG): The project aims to train critical, engaged and environmentally conscious citizens through the offering of educational, technological activities and socio-emotional assistance, in a context of extreme poverty where neglect of rights directly affects the development of citizenship through Sustainable Robotics and Gamified Literature workshops.
• Sarambuí Association (Bragança, PA): Promote access to education for sustainable development through active citizenship practices through teacher training, co-creation of pedagogical resources related to mangroves for the school environment and multiplication of workshops in the space school to students.
• Association of Parents, Teachers and Friends of Escola Comunitária Brilho do Cristal (Palmeiras, BA): Create booklets with information for different audiences and reproduce them in other schools, in addition to holding workshops with parents and teachers to train the teaching staff
• Central Única das Favelas (Cuiabá, MT): Offer training to social organizations in the region in order to assist them in the regulatory, governance and other processes to increase the chances and formats of receiving financial support (fundraising)
• Assistance Front for Needy Children (Fortaleza, CE): Encourage reading (by offering reading circles) and train storytellers for teenagers who attend the OSC
literary space And, thinking about giving visibility and increasing the chances of raising funds from institutions that were not selected in recent editions, we opened the Project Bank on our website.