

Instituto Chamex supports the 29th São Simão Song Festival

With support by Instituto Chamex, the event conducted by the Township of São Simão (SP) was extended for another year, promoting education and culture in the municipality, motivating artistic expression, and engaging local communities and local schools.

The 29th edition of the traditional Song Contest “Festival Simonense da Canção” (Fesica),accomplished on July 5, 6 and 7, 2024, attracted thousands of people and was broadcasted live on YouTube. The event was a commemorative edition of the São Simão (SP) municipality’s 200th anniversary conducted with support by Instituto Chamex..
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1973 The Fesica Festival was created in 1973 by a group of young people from the municipality called Juventude Unida Simonense (JUS), and quickly became a highlight on the musical scenario. During its first years, the song festival performed at Cine-Theatro Carlos Gomes, but due to its increasing public success, the venue later moved to Cine Oásis, remaining there until 1988. In 1989, the event was again moved to the Ginásio de Esportes Amadeu Geraigire, where it continued until 1996. In 1997, a special edition, without the singing contest, was held in celebration to Fesica´s 25th anniversary. In the following year, in 1998, occurred the festival´s last performance. After an interruption of 24 years, the Township of São Simão decided to resume the festival in 2022, recognizing its cultural importance and potential to encourage the artistic expression of individuals throughout Brazil, while also boosting tourism and the local economy.

The 2024 edition of Fesica had special significance, as it celebrated the bicentenary of the municipality of São Simão. The festival was marked by several cultural and educational activities, aligned with the objectives of Instituto Chamex in support of social projects that promote creativity, education, and culture in the Country – especially in regions near Sylvamo Brasil´s factories. As part of its commitment, Instituto Chamex launched a campaign to encourage public school students to create musical contributions for the 200th anniversary of the municipality of São Simão. Each school was invited to produce and send a video with students singing a commemorative song. The competition included several educational institutions, with the big winner being the municipal school Escola Municipal Historiador Fausto Pires de Oliveira. The prize for the winning school was a music workshop, which will provide students with an immersion in the musical universe, with classes and activities led by professionals of the area, promoting the development of new skills in students and arising their interest in arts.

The financial resources allocated to this 29th Fesica edition added up to BRL40,000.00 (forty thousand reais), distributed as follows: BRL7,000.00 for the 1st place in the category of best song; BRL6,000.00 for the 2nd place; BRL5,000.00 for 3rd place; BRL4,000.00 for 4th place and BRL3,000.00 for 5th place. There was also a BRL1,500.00 prize for the best performer and the best arrangement. In addition, a total prize pool of BRL12,000.00 (twelve thousand reais) was offered, with BRL500.00 going to each of the 24 qualifiers who took part in the semi-final stage of the in-person presentation. The distribution of these awards recognizes the talent of the artists and encourages them to continue their musical careers. The live broadcast on YouTube was another triumph, reaching more than 8,000 views and allowing people from various parts of Brazil and the world to follow the festival, which increased its visibility and impact. This year, the festival received applications totaling 101 songs,from 46 different cities in Brazil. The diversity of participants reflects Fesica´s nationwide reach and prestige, having established itself over the years as a showcase for new musical talents in Brazil. During the 3-day event, the participating public had the opportunity to watch performances in a wide variety of musical genres. Fesica also provided several parallel activities, such as workshops, lectures and debates with musicians and music producers. These activities were designed to enrich the participants’ experience and provide an interactive and thought-provoking learning environment, with many exchanges of knowledge, experiences, and human connection.

The resumption of the São Simão Song Festival after a two-decade interruption span represents a cultural renaissance for the municipality and the region. The partnership with Instituto Chamex was fundamental to perform the 29th song contest, integrating local culture with educational initiatives of immense value. This support provided by Instituto Chamex reflects its commitment to strengthen local communities, by considering education as an essential pillar for social transformation in the Country. The active participation of schools in the music video campaign highlighted the impact of encouraging the artistic development of children and adolescents. Music, as well as a form of artistic expression, contributes to students’ cognitive and emotional development. This kind of projects stimulate creativity and provide opportunities for children to identify their talents and expand them in an environment that encourages cultural expression. The continuation of this event in coming years will be essential to keep São Simão’s musical tradition alive and to continue inspiring new generations of artists. The performance of the São Simão Song Festival supported by Instituto Chamex demonstrated that with solid partnerships and a shared vision for progress, practical encouragement, and transformation, enables to change realities and construct a better future with more opportunities for everyone.


Fesica. 29º Festival Simonense da Canção – 2024 – São Simão 200 anos (São Simão 200 years) Available at: Click here! Accessed July 14, 2024.

Fesica. The story of Fesica. Available at: Click here! Accessed July 14, 2024

São Simão – Município de interesse turístico (Municipality of tourist interest). ● Festival Fesica 2024 Celebra 200 Anos da Cidade de São Simão com 101 Músicas Inscritas (Fesica 2024 Festival Celebrates 200 Years of the City of São Simão with 101 Songs Submitted), Available at: Click here! Accessed July 16, 2024.