Creativity transforms Education. Education transforms the world
Check out the latest novelties of the Instituto:
#Education with Citizenship Notice
Instituto Chamex announces winners of the 4th Education with Citizenship Contest
#Inclusion and Diversity
Inclusive Education in Brazil: The Fight Against Inequality in Schools
Sala Inova
Instituto Chamex and partners inaugurate an Innovation Space in a municipal school in Luiz Antônio (SP).
“During all these years we managed to mobilize communities to improve lives of many people, and this is what motivates us. Now, we are seeking to redeem the value of education with citizenship and to stimulate a more active role for each society member. And, once more, together we will be able to fulfill our role.”

“Escola Formare (presently Aprendiz Escola Sylvamo) was one of my best experiences ever. The colleagues I made and the professionals who helped me, provided knowledge that I use in my daily life. Aprendiz Escola Sylvamo helped me to be where I am today. I feel honored and happy to be the first woman electrician at International Paper in Mogi Guaçu, SP. This project made me the professional I am today, and I can only thank you. I hope that the next classes will make the most of it!”

“All of us are creative, and that creativity arises when we come across causes we genuinely believe in. Instituto Chamex stimulates the transformative power of creativity as an essential element to experiment innovative solutions for Brazil’s educational challenges.”

"The Essay Contest Project is an excellent initiative for those who enjoy learning and writing. Besides writing itself being enriching, as it gives us the chance to practice and reflect on current issues relevant to the society, contest winners are awarded a prize that provides us more knowledge"